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Montreal medical specialists & 3D printing company AON3D team up to Fight Covid-19

Montreal medical specialists & 3D printing company AON3D team up to Fight Covid-19

3D Printed face shield

AON3D has currently supplied: Jewish General Hospital, MUHC, LaSalle, St. Mary’s, and Glen.  2000 units out and another 10,000 being produced this week! AON3D has delivered hundreds of face shields to local Montreal doctors, free of charge. They are looking for hospital partners to help financially support the scaling of production so that there are no gaps in the PPE supply chain. 

3D printing company AON3D, develops 3D printing software, and advanced materials that allow companies to deploy in-house manufacturing capabilities easily and affordably. Their 3D printing hardware systems produce parts with high-performance thermoplastics which is the most ubiquitous category of materials for manufacturing applications. Their full stack software solution provides customers with necessary information on materials and guides customers with 3D printing “recipes”. In 2019 their business brought in over $3MM of sales to over 100 customers including Bic, Boeing, NASA, Xerox and DuPont. They service a vast variety of industries such as aerospace, deffense, energy, R&D, biomedical, electronics, and automotive. AON3D is backed by leading investors including Y Combinator, Panache Ventures, Social Capital, iNovia Capital, and OTG Ventures. 

3D printing company AON3Dm is RAPIDLY pushing out face shields!
3D printing company AON3Dm is RAPIDLY pushing out face shields!

How AON3D is supporting healthcare workers during the COVID-19 crisis 

3D printing company AON3D is producing face shields, respirator splitters, and other critical supplies. They are able to make much higher-quality PPE and equipment parts than most 3D printing shops can thanks to their high-performance material science expertise, meaning their equipment can be sterilized and reused in medical settings (unlike many kinds of plastic). More importantly they are already producing these items and they are currently being used in surrounding hospitals in Montreal.

They are also partnered with the Pratt & Whitney / Bombardier Ventilator Project and the Code Life Ventilator Challenge which is a group effort to produce a low-cost, locally manufacturable ventilator in a time frame that will help COVID-19 patients as soon as possible. If they are successful in this venture, it will be a game changer. 

Specifics on the Rapid Manufacturing of COVID-19 Optimized Face Shields AON3D was contacted by Dr. Avinash Sinha, an anesthesiologist at the McGill University Health Centre and Ms. Leigh McIntyre, a senior project manager at The Montreal Neurological Institute Hospital to manufacture options to create the face shields that hospitals would urgently require due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

AON3D evaluated almost every “open source” solution, tested it, and validated the designs with a group of doctors from the MUHC in Montreal. Based on the doctors direct feedback & testing, AON3D went with a slightly modified version of the Georgia Tech design. They’ve fully open sourced not only their designs, but their manufacturing, packing, and quality assurance procedures here: 

1- AON3D has delivered hundreds of face shields to local Montreal doctors, free of charge. They are looking for hospital partners to help financially support the scaling of production so that there are no gaps in the PPE supply chain. 

2- If any manufacturers want to assist in scale up production with this design, they can speak with AON3D engineers free of charge who are available for consultation. 

3- AON3D’s goal is for producers & companies alike to use a design that has been specifically optimized BY doctors, for use with the COVID-19 situation. Regular PPE was not built for a disease as contagious as this, hence why the design they’re using is optimized to be significantly more protective.

*This design can be fabricated with any manufacturing technology: injection moulding, CNC machining, laser cutting, and of course, 3D printing.

After enjoying this medical breakthrough, enjoy one of our simple recipes from the past! This one makes the most delicious gluten free cookies and it’s so easy to make! Easy Nutella cookies

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