Easy Nutella Cookies | NO EGGS NEEDED!

*Rescued from our ancient 2013 Vault* is this popular and super easy recipe for a no eggs, easy Nutella Cookies that I created during my brief “gluten free” experiments! Enjoy, I still make them every now and again.
Get ready for EASY. Nutella is oily and sticky enough for you to be able to make cookies without eggs or butter! They make very chewy brownie like cookies which are great with nuts added (I suggest pecan or Walnut or crushed Hazelnut if you want that Fererro Rocher taste)
- 1 cup nutella
- 1 cup of any kind of flour
- 1/3 cup whatever else you want (nuts, chips, berries, peanut butter…)
Directions: Add flour first and your dry add-in and blend that. Then make a fist and punch the flour to create a small indent where you will then add the cup of nutella. Take a fork or any blending device and turn into a peanut butter stickiness level paste. Take a spoon or your hands and scoop out 6 big cookies or 12 small. That’s it that’s all folks!
Bake for 12 minutes. Done.
We don’t recipes anymore, but plenty of yummy things live in our Food ‘N Drink section!

Chief Creative Officer & Storyteller, molding enchanting tales and immersive experiences for a global stage. Over 10 years of hidden gem curating and entertainment escapades. Invite me to life changing things like well decorated restos, road trips and the haute-arts.