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AUGUST CRYPTO CURRENTS | 5 Cryptos that are good for day trading AND HODL!

AUGUST CRYPTO CURRENTS | 5 Cryptos that are good for day trading AND HODL!

Crypto Day Trading Secrets

Sorry for the late entry, I had a bit of a writer’s slump in early August.  To note I am not a financial advisor. This is just my own personal advice. As I myself in the last few months have been struggling with FOMO and making certain to choose the right coins for both day trading and longer term gains, I decided to do some fairly conclusive research to determine, at least for me, what my top 5 cryptos for day trading and HODL are based on both criteria learned in Dan Holling’s THE PLAN as well as my own intuition and research.

With the ETH merge coming up in September with everyone wondering if this will soar or sink ETH, what are other day trading coins that I would buy now? These are the top 5 coins that I feel are not only good for short to mid-term day trading but also will soar within the next year. I chose them based on 5 different criteria: Solid company mission, big investment backing, no major tech issue so far, good wiggle for day trading, lots of speculation that the coin will soar in value in the foreseeable future. Here we go! Below are, in my opinion, the best of both worlds.

Montreal Crypto Daytrader
Busting the dumb blonde myth with my Montreal Crypto Daytrader journey 1 profitable coin at a time ;)

The 5 best coins to use in side-grid or s-bot day trading (I use Bitsgap) AND for those who prefer less excitement, the 5 most reliable coins to HODL for the future. For this strategy you would keep each line order on something quite low that you were willing to lose per line but also something that when the wiggle is nice and volatile, will bank you daily bot profits. My current magic grid lines number is 58. I cannot reveal my step % because it is proprietary information from my crypto school THE PLAN. However, Bitsgap and most trading AI have a safe and decent default grid step that aligns itself with the current market signal scenery… now without further ado:

Bored Ape Yacht Club APE/USDT (APE)
The Bored Apes, could phase out somewhat in NFT land, but the yacht club parties with rich dbag ETH whales – will not. We can count on this agency to make certain their coin gains value, as the egos attached to the venture capitalists involved are ginormous. You can bet on this one for a short-term day trading win AND a longer term soar.

Still headed to become one of the fastest blockchains with few obstacles (besides SOLANA in the same exact race) Avalanche is a great bet for a good day trader coin pair OR a longer term moonshot.

This gaming company is not going anywhere and it is METAVERSE strong. GALA is Good for day trading and longer term HODL. I have nothing more to say about this coin, other than check out the site and you will see why it’s solid and not likely to go anywhere..

MANA/ETH – Due to the ETH2.0 merge, this is the only way I will trade ETH for now
The currency of DECENTRALAND. And also because MANA showed up 3 times in the last 3 month in my demo bots as a good wiggler AND it is one of the coi pairs that trades on ETH, so you can safely build up ETH while waiting for the merge… IF the merge dumps ETH into the lower values, at least you will have gained MANA is my logic here..

SOLANA (SOL) SOL/USDT (or USDC as you wish)
This was my first every choice in crypto school. I loved the name, the branding and the company mission and financial and technical backing. It is still on my ost promising coins list for now and the future. SOLANA also just sprouted in price due to Coinbase Wallet support for Solana’s DApp ecosystem.

I have set up my bot with all of these, in LIVE trade of Demo and just waiting for ETH to crash further before buying the MANA/ETH coin. You can follow along here and also set up your own coin pairs. As many are awaiting lots of crypto regulation and merges…I changed my more alt coins to solid ones this week…  The 2 big merges are Coinbase Pro to Advanced trading with the sunsetting of Coinbase Pro. This is getting a lot of people concerned because many, like myself are currently using Coinbase Pro as an API exchange on Bitsgap. When I wrote them to ask if and when they will have another API to connect Coinbase to Bitsgap, I did not get a clear answer… and of course ETH2.

Until we know how this will affect crypto, many are just holding what they have and few are buying new. For those who are buying new crypto, you can research the 5 coins above and see if you feel they are right for you.

My trusted crypto resources at a glance:
The Plan – Dan Holling’s Crypto school
Newton – for purchasing crypto from Canada (user friendly, fast and low rates)
Coinbase – As chosen exchange and storage, market watch and my Bitsgap API
Bitsgap – Day Trading AI, side-grid trading. Trades volatility

Previously, in Foxylee’s July Crypto Currents

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