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Work from home | Montreal jobs while earning CERB

Work from home | Montreal jobs while earning CERB

Work from home Montreal jobs while earning CERB

Work From Home with remote Montreal Jobs while earning CERB.

As some of you may not know, you are allowed to earn up to $1,000 of additional revenue WHILE receiving CERB (Canadian Emergency Revenue Benefit). The Federal government rolled that out to help people meet their current financial needs (as most Canadians cannot live on $500/weekly). It is mostly to help struggling businesses continue to justify being able to keep very part-time employees as their business begins to slowly recover.

For example, being a waitress but now your restaurant only offers delivery and you’re left with just a few hours a week to take care of those orders. It also includes Canadians getting completely different jobs other than from their career to make ends meet.

Work from home Montreal jobs while earning CERB
Work from anywhere with remote work!

Set your pride aside and go into survival mode as no job is too “ghetto” or “blue-collar” to prevent your bills and bank accounts from becoming delinquent. Why watch your credit and peace of mind take a sudden hit just because you feel that taking a side job is beneath you? Your family will respect you being able to put a warm meal on the table, no matter what you do.

Here are 5 remote jobs that many Canadians qualify for, that are high in the job market alerts and job boards across Canada. Don’t qualify? Now is a time to learn a PLAN B profession. Personally, if you are techy and web-savvy, it is chock-full of remote jobs to consider and most of them can be done from home and were being done remotely prior to the pandemic. Stacksocial offers so many inexpensive on-line courses that can jump-start a new skill set for you!

Work from home Montreal jobs while earning CERB
Remote Montreal Jobs WHILE working in your undies is POSSIBLE YASSS!

Websites like >SKILLWISE< (by Stacksocial) take online learning in IT (information technology) to the next level by providing the most sought after IT skill sets:

  • Remote customer service: example dealership surveys
  • Remote Data entry: example for a credit bureau
  • Remote Sales  example: for a fashion e-commerce
  • Remote reception example: For a health clinic
  • Remote telecommunications example: Tech support
Work from home Montreal jobs while earning CERB
Perfect for students who need to save up extra cash!

5 sectors booming despite Covid-19 (you can look for job offers in these fields as well). To add here are the overall booming industries  for 2020, in Covid-19 Canada:

  • Critical supply chain food, bank, pharmacy
  • Government jobs, there are many that have been created like agents to manage CERB applications
  • Fruit picking, the actual Canadian government will pay you this Summer to pick berries!
  • Manufacturing: example warehouse workers
  • IT and technology: example social media managers

Too lazy to hit good ‘ol Google? Here are some remote jobs I found that anyone can do right now from their Montreal snack trash desk and a WIFI connection!

Indeed has the best options so far, so I will use them for this quick search! You can find a remote Montreal job on the 1st page of results, during Covid times.

Video game tester – A MTL classic with all the gaming companies here! You used to have to go in and do this in their tester lounges, but now you can do them from home. Perfect job for those who like to live in PJs and play candy crush. The Montreal job for gamers.

Bilingual Customer Service – Another MTL classic!  All you need is a headset and WIFI for this one. Most Montrealers have at some point, had that college customer care job, well here you can do it again only this time get better paid. The Montreal job for the Franglais demographic!

E-commerce Agent for ZARA – Literally another COVID-birthed job, but they have all these pandemic emails and calls that need being deal with! The Montreal job for the web saavy!

Senior-level stoners, For Virtual Toke & Talk well-paid GIG – for Canada HIGH tours, yeah you read correctly! This company literally wants Mary Jane veterans to get stoned with their clients on Zoom like for real… then suggest them some herbs. The Montreal job for stoners!

Resume writer! Great for those who are good writers and know how to seduce with words. Why not help others get work by re-writing resumes for well above min wage with remote jobs! The Montreal job for writers!

Need more job hunting tips? Fever Tree has you covered! Work from home Montreal jobs while earning CERB

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