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What’s Happening This Fall at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

What’s Happening This Fall at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

What’s Happening This Fall at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 1

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has endlessly been a source of inspiration to me, which made me curious as to what’s happening this fall at the MMFA.

I began my love affair with this magnificent, cultural institution in the early 1980s, when I would follow my father, deceased Montrealer and Abstract-Constructivist sculptor, Jean-Jacques Besner, on his many trips to the MMFA, to see the various shows.

Since my father was an artist, I never learned to play hockey, nor play baseball with my papa, instead he taught me about the various artists and art movements, architecture, and music. The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts was a place I visited many times as I grew from a child, to the adult that I am today.

I have seen the Museum evolve through 4 decades and I am overjoyed to see the Museum continue to flourish and expand, curate and create unique collections, that continually improve the culture of our fair city.

Later on in my life, as a teacher, I found myself introducing many of my students to the history of the arts by visiting the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts with them. The class trips transformed into trips down the memory lane of humanity’s artistic accomplishments and progressions; allowing the history of illustration and artistic expression to come alive before our eyes.  Sharing with my students, felt like coming full circle, as I found myself reprising the role my father had taken on with me, much earlier in my life.

It is fair to say that I am extremely fond of our beautiful Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and it remains one of my favorite destinations in Montreal, regardless of what exhibition it currently has; the reality is that you will find so much inspiration and reminders of passion in humanity, all throughout its many rooms, galleries and pavilions.

From primitive art to present day, all movements find a place within the Museum’s walls, the ever-changing and evolving collection of the Museum, never fails to impress.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
View of the exhibition Shary Boyle: Outside the Palace of Me. Photo MMFA, Denis Farley

Outside the Palace of Me

A new exposition by Shary Boyle recently opened at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and I was privileged to be invited to the vernissage that happened at the end of August.

As I arrived and descended the steps, I was able to watch the artist herself, stand in front of the crowd and speaks about her new exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

The collection is playful and reflective, whimsical, absurd and a wonderfully clever commentary, open to interpretation, that speak volumes of the society we find ourselves in today.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Shary Boyle (born in 1972), Cephalophoric Saint, 2018. Collection of E. Grace and S. Vella. Photo Toni Hafkenscheid

The viewer is also left unguided by the trappings of captions, since none accompany the various sculptures and installations, it truly invites each viewer to create a more personalized experience, untainted or influenced by the words, encapsulated in the typical caption, accompanying most art.

Shary Boyle is a Canadian artist who masterfully works multiple mediums, her sculptures,  illustrations and paintings are all very singular and her style, which is both delicate and strong, has beautiful embellishments of surrealism.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
View of the exhibition Shary Boyle: Outside the Palace of Me. Photo MMFA, Denis Farley

The current exposition Shary Boyle: Outside the Palace of Me, runs until next January 15th, 2023. I highly recommend seeing it as it is both wise and wistful, a definite delight for the eyes.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
D-Vernissage Entertainment Photo Frédéric Faddoul

The Young Philanthropists’  Circle’s 10th Anniversary and the Wondrous World of Nicolas Party

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts recently held a private soirée, their D-Vernissage to celebrate the 10th  anniversary of the Young Philanthropists’ Circle, a group of young professionals, under 40, that are passionate about the arts and culture and wish to learn and engage in philanthropy.

This decade long initiative has been instrumental in continuing the philanthropy, that is so crucial for magnificent institutions, such as the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; to continue their amazing work and allow them to house such a wonderful collection within their walls.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Partial view of the exhibition Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. © Nicolas Party. Photo MMFA, Jean-François Brière

To celebrate this event, the members of the Young Philanthropists’ Circle were invited to an evening of cocktails and networking.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Young Philanthropists’ Circle’s executive committee From left to right : Justin Morin, William Mercer, Thanh Jutras, Vincent Couturier, Emeric Seguin, Philippe Archambault, Félix Giguère, Laurent Dionne-Legendre, Stéphanie Elsliger-Garant, Laurent Laferriere, Philippe Saurel, Glen Kasneci, Lyla Bradley, Clément Roy, Arad G. Tchouldjian, Ulric Caron Photo Frédéric Faddoul

The incredible show Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve, which is a spectacular collection of installations, sculptures and paintings, mixed with pieces from the collection of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, along with original music by Pierre Lapointe; was open to us to visit at leisure.

There were easels for use, for anyone feeling an artistic need for self-expression, there were even pole dancers who performed within the exposition itself, creating a festive night of culture, revelry and philanthropy, all into one special event with a dynamic live DJ.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Drawing station – Still life Photo Frédéric Faddoul

For those of you interested in becoming a member of the Young Philanthropists’ Circle, you may do so at the link, here.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Nicolas Party (born in 1980), Portrait with Snakes, 2019. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Collection, Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution, Museum purchase with funds provided by Stuart Barr, 2021. © Nicolas Party. Photo Adam Reich

A friendly reminder that the Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve show is ongoing until October 16th, 2022, if you haven’t seen it yet, please do, fans of color will not be disappointed.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988), Dog Bite / Ax to Grind, 1983. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. © Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Licensed by Artestar, New York

The Upcoming Magic and Music of Michel Basquiat

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is organizing, in collaboration with the Musée de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris, Seeing Loud : Basquiat and Music; the first large-scale multimedia exhibition devoted to the role of music in the work of the incredibly innovative and influential artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988), Anybody Speaking Words, 1982. Private collection, Switzerland. © Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Licensed by Artestar, New York. Photo Fotoearte

The Seeing Loud : Basquiat and Music show starts October 15th  this year and ends on February 19th, 2023.

I saw the Basquiat show that the Art Gallery of Ontario curated a few years ago and I remember how  vividly I was struck by some of his pieces. This current show, that the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is preparing,  has the makings of another masterpiece, I am very excited to see it.

When I think back on all the shows, I have seen at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, I am blissfully reminded of the joy, inspiration they have given me, the muses they have lit inside of me.

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts is a gem, a crown jewel in our city, a place where art and design have home to display their magnificent history and continue to showcase the future of our human, artistic expression. A worthy destination for an afternoon of culture, reflection, and inspiration.

Lead image credits are as follows:

Partial view of the exhibition Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. © Nicolas Party. Photo MMFA, Jean-François Brière

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