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MMODE GALA 2021 | Celebration of Next-Gen Fashion Creators

MMODE GALA 2021 | Celebration of Next-Gen Fashion Creators


On November 23, 2021, the very first edition of the mmode gala, a ceremony celebrating the next generation representing Quebec’s fashion industry and its achievements, took place at the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) in downtown Montreal. mmode – the Metropolitan Fashion Cluster – and key players from the fashion world awarded 14 grants worth $10,000 each to up-and-coming Quebec fashion entrepreneurs and creators.

The first edition of mmode gala was hosted by Debbie Zakaib, executive director of mmode

During the event, executives from various major fashion brands paid tribute to the exceptional talent and creativity of the numerous finalists, such as Yves Ulysse of M3, and winners, such as Noémi Harvey of RN, at the gala’s first edition, as well as the leadership of a key builder within the industry – François Roberge, CEO of la Vie en Rose and chair of mmode’s board of trustees.

mmode highlighted the leadership of François Roberge, CEO of la Vie en Rose and chair of mmode’s board of trustees (From left to right: Lina Di Lello, Amelia Di Lello-Roberge, François Roberge and Debbie Zakaib)

As Debbie Zakaib, executive director of mmode, was happy to tell us:

“We were able to establish a special $140,000 fund to promote the economic relaunch of this vital industry in Quebec and encourage emerging local talent thanks to the financial assistance of mmode’s founding members and private-sector partners. I would like to thank them for their tremendous generosity and support. I also want to mention the remarkable work of the selection committee, which assessed the applications of all 145 candidates to decide who would receive the grants at this event’s first edition. My warmest congratulations to all the finalists and winners!”


14 Winners of $10,000 Grants
The following entrepreneurs and creators each received a $10,000 grant recognizing their excellence and talent in the indicated categories:

• Local Reach: Marilyne Baril – MARIGOLD

• International Reach: Marie-Ève Lecavalier – LECAVALIER

• Business Innovation: Dominique Dunn – WELLDUNN

• Innovation, Diversity and Social Inclusion: Eliza Faulkner – ELIZA FAULKNER

• Innovation, Circular Economy: Anne-Marie Laflamme – ATELIER B


• Female Entrepreneur: Marie-Eve Emond – BETINA LOU & MARMIER

• Student Business Start-Up: Marie-Eve Aubry – ALBÉRIC

• Michèle Boulanger-Bussière Student Excellence: Roxanne Ouellet-Bernier – ÉCOLE SUPÉRIEURE DE MODE ESG UQAM

• Growth: Myriam Belzile-Maguire – MAGUIRE

• Accelerator: Camille Goyette-Gingras – COOP COUTURIÈRES POP


• Accelerator: Viviane Lachapelle – LACHAPELLE ATELIER

• Accelerator: Claudia Chassé – LAIT DE POULE

• Public’s Choice: Geneviève Tremblay – MOOV ACTIVEWEAR

• Chair’s Choice: Noémi Harvey – LES PRODUCTIONS RN

• Tribute to a Key Builder: François Roberge – LA VIE EN ROSE


Last but not least, all the winners were interviewed by one of Montreal’s great fashion journalists, the always stylish Lolitta Dandoy, to conclude this new annual flagship event in Quebec fashion.

Accelerator award winner Claudia Chassé, founder of Lait de Poule, interviewed by Lolitta Dandoy

Here is what you need to know about mmode

mmode — the Metropolitan Fashion Cluster — was created in May 2015. Its mission is to bring together and unite the various players in Quebec’s fashion industry, including its four main pillars: designers, manufacturers, wholesalers-distributors and retailers. mmode’s mandate is also to create business and innovation synergies, to act as a unique collaboration and exchange platform, and so to contribute to improving the competitiveness and growth of Quebec’s and metropolitan Montreal region’s fashion industry. In November 2016, mmode launched the hashtag #mtlstyle as the rallying cry of the Montreal fashion industry.

Facebook: @mmodemtl
Instagram: @mmodemtl
LinkedIn: mmode
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For those of you who missed the gala, you can watch a full recording here:

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