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Mauve Twilight | Colourful Angel Circle Evening at the MMFA

Mauve Twilight | Colourful Angel Circle Evening at the MMFA

Angel Circle

On Friday, April 29, members of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Foundation’s ANGEL CIRCLE and their guests enjoyed an exclusive evening of celebration centered on the exhibition Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve.

Angel Circle
Lam Jutras (Angel Circle Co-Chair) and Nicolas Party posing inside a 360° spin video booth | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

An event inspired by nature’s palette, it included a themed cocktail, hors d’oeuvres, a 360° spin video booth that offered a unique experience by capturing slow-motion video instantly (which you can see a good example of at the bottom of this article)…

Angel Circle
Jo-Anne Hudon Duchesne (MMFA Foundation Director of Operations) and Danielle Champagne (MMFA Foundation Director General) posing inside a 360° spin video booth | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

…an art workshop to immerse oneself in Nicolas Party’s creative approach, as well as surprises such as dance and acrobatic performances by The 7 Fingers troupe.

Angel Circle
Performers from The 7 Fingers troupe dancing in one of the exhibition halls | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

This evening, sponsored by Broccolini, was a wonderful opportunity for participants to meet the artist in person…

Angel Circle
Nicolas Party with members of the Angel Circle Executive Committee and the MMFA Foundation | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

…as everyone delighted in the festivities with the chill house music of DJ Stéphane Cocke.

Angel Circle
L’heure monochrome and Spritz Sur Naturel were the names of two themed cocktails inspired by the Nicolas Party exhibition | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

The L’heure mauve (Mauve Twilight) exhibition was accessible thereafter in order for them to admire.

Angel Circle
Partial view of the exhibition Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. © Nicolas Party | Photo MMFA, Jean-François Brière

A major artist of our time, born in Switzerland, Nicolas Party is known for his meticulously composed paintings, his painted sculptures and his installations drenched in saturated colours.

Angel Circle
Partial view of the exhibition Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. © Nicolas Party | Photo MMFA, Jean-François Brière

Through over 100 works and a series of large-scale murals realized on site, he unveils a dreamlike exhibition themed on nature at the MMFA, from February 12 to October 16, 2022.

Angel Circle
Partial view of the exhibition Nicolas Party : L’heure mauve, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. © Nicolas Party | Photo MMFA, Jean-François Brière

What is the Angel Circle?

Founded in 2016 by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Foundation, the philanthropic goal of the Angel Circle is to support the presentation of major exhibitions and make the Museum more accessible for underprivileged families. Through joining the Circle, a member enjoys building strong relationships with outgoing individuals who want to stay abreast of new trends in art, design and music.

Angel Circle
Lionel Pardin (Angel Circle Executive Committee member) | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

The majority of Circle members are entrepreneurs and experienced professionals who share the same interests, including a great passion for culture.

Angel Circle
Smiles and champagne | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

Activities for members are intended to provide them with experiences that no other visitor can benefit from, including the unique experience of visiting the art restoration laboratories and exclusive encounters with artists, curators, collectors and philanthropists.

Angel Circle
Ron Cherilus (Angel Circle Executive Committee member) and guests | Photo MMFA, Frédéric Faddoul

Here is what you need to know about the MMFA’s Angel Circle


  • An invitation for yourself and a guest to exclusive Angel Circle evenings
  • An invitation for yourself and a guest to the Premieres of Major Exhibition
  • An invitation for yourself and a guest to Discovery Exhibition openings
  • Free audioguides for all guests of Angel Circle members and their families
  • Free, unlimited and priority access to all exhibitions and collections for yourself and two guests



NEXT: Daffodil Ball 2022 Bloomed for a Great Cause and Raised $1,2M

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