With reality being what it is, one would expect M for montreal to return with a much lighter foot than usual this year, however despite the limitations imposed by the world, organizers Sebastien Nasra, Martin Elbourne, and Peter Gabriel are coming in hot with their usual, eclectic blend of emerging artists, parties, and networking meet and greats.
And or those of you worried we’re still living in a Footloose inspired dystopia, you’ll be happy to know: “Ecclesiastes assures us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to laugh and a time to weep. A time to mourn and there is a time to dance”.
So here are the top 5 events to check out, in order to witness Montreal’s renaissance…
Coming in number 5: WTF better known as What’s the Future — All Tomorrow’s Parties.
Global pandemic, climate and environmental issues, critical social upheavals, diversity and inclusion matters, waves of denunciations; what will the organizers of the major musical celebrations of tomorrow get out of it?
Happening at the SAT, this little get together happening this very afternoon is For anyone interested in ecological issues or the fate of getting down in this town and abroad. It proposes to represent the future of festivals on an international level.
Number 4: Atypical networking session, Climbing Out of the Box, happening and presented in collaboration with Café Bloc this guy is happening this very evening at
La Grande Roue de Montréal — the tallest observation wheel in Canada — allows you to see the city and its surroundings from 60 m in the air and up to 28 km around you! Includes: 20 minutes pre-organized networking session in a Grande Roue de Montréal gondola, access to the bistro following the activity to continue discussions.
They promise to “facilitate connections with peers with strong convergence power.” Café Bloc is all about community spirit and bringing people together. They might not be the standard basic bigwigs we’ve come to expect from standard networking events, but they wear their identity proudly and if nothing else promise to be “Atypical”
Number 3: A little gem known as, Asteria: A Musical Journey in Virtual Reality, presented in collaboration with La Place des Arts and La maison fauve…
To achieve an immersive and unique result, Asteria makes it possible to experience a new reality by using both real images of artists shot with 360-degree cameras as well as new content produced by specialists in motion design and 3D animation
With Asteria, the viewer is immersed in a hybrid experience between listening to music and exploring a world, unique to each artist through virtual reality headsets. Created by Noisy Head Studio, The Fury Studio and La maison fauve, we expect this complex immersive experience to feel like acid for children, a mind expanding journey into possibilities confusing, colorful and unique…
Number 2: This one is strictly for the Freaks, The Mothership M for Montreal presents SLM (QC) + MAGI MERLIN (QC) + NATE HUSSER (QC) + SKIIFALL (QC) + BACKXWASH (QC)
A whimsical audiovisual production by M for Montreal in collaboration with Parce Que Films and Pestacle with artists like SKIIFALL
We used to share a studio building almost 10 years ago and if their work then is any indication, of where they are now, this will be a no holds barred visual delight. With appearances by Nate Busser, Backxwash, Skiifall and other guests, I’d just throw my money at them at this point because you will get five times your worth…
It’s a RAP, Number one: Joy Ride! (PRO + PUBLIC) MARATHON — SiriusXM, M for Montreal & JoyRide present JOY RIDE PARTY!, in collaboration with Rhum Rosemont
If you’re looking to truly kick it back and enjoy the ride in an all or nothing, cruise uncontrolled good time, like back in the day, wishing to get lit and celebrate the return of all things possible. 20some in the pic!
JOY RIDE PARTY! 20some – 5Sang14 – D4vid Lee – Connoisseur Ticaso – Cruzito – Imposs – JordyBoy – Karma – Loud – Lova – MikeZup – Ragers – Randy – Rymz – Shash’U – Tai – White-B – YNG LGND…
And you know all those involved have had cases, and anyone who goes there is either leaving with a woman, a record, some records or a record deal. This will not be for the faint of heart, This is Strictly MtL hip-hop culture celebrating itself in all its swagadatious nut grabbing glory, neck breaking and feet stomping guaranteed, grab your boys by the head and keep your ladies close, mother’s guard your daughter’s because we riding out tonight… actually Friday.
Writer, Director, Camera Op, Editor & Professional "Last Man Standing". Is there anything this guy can't do? Yes. A veritable metric f*ck ton of things, so he sticks to what he knows. Join him on some adventures, here, at Best Kept MTL.