M for Montreal 2021 | Round 3 of festival MAGIC

M for Montreal 2021 | Round 3 of festival MAGIC
Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, M for Montreal post mortem has come and gone and with that comes the hindsight necessary for proper perspective.
Sadly I missed out on most of the festival. I was toiling away as a fortunate cog in studio caverns deep in the unlit recesses of the Hollywood North machine, far away from the limelight.

I want her opening for my birthday party. She cherry picked from her audience what could be described as the entire cross section of harmless, never rock the boat, white, middle class stereotypes to sit and eat her confections of usb keys and precious rocks. Some ate slowly with apprehension, feeling the pressure of an audience waiting for them to bite, but one particular dinner guest dug in with gusto, gladly stuffing his face with whatever questionable morcels the powers that be chose fit to grant him.
She’s serving up the future for easy consumption, comprised mostly of sugar, cream and all things shallow, but underneath the sleek veneer of a world in perdition, there is an energy at play, a message, an aesthetic and ideas that are solidly engrained in counter-culture.

One could argue it’s reheated material, but then that just plays into her tongue in cheek themes of easy mass consumption and control.
Her lyrics about the things taken away and the methods with which they are being returned struck me as true to life.
Her other lines about how “Our table manners will bury us all” felt both cheesy and poignant in that specific way synthpop can be, and the beats were perfect for half naked boys and girls to work up a sweat on a dimly lit dancefloor in some underground basement caught only in the occasional flares of a spinning disco ball.
I don’t know for sure that “we” have. But I’m beginning to think maybe she’s found hers.

We went back for more drinks at the aforementioned loft and then, as a merry band of drunkards we went careening off to l’Escogriffe. From the crux of chaotic creative Peru, La Julia Smith assaulted our senses with high octane harmony. Amazing stage presence, dope vocals, cool guys with kind souls, it’s their energy that’s infectious, having played festivals all over the world, and currently developing a new project here in montreal, these guys are up and coming and something to look out for. Their online presence is lacking, but please do yourself a favor and catch them live.
It was a hard act to follow, impossible by most accounts, but we didn’t know Priors.

These guys tore up the stage with that perfect eternal blend of all things rock, like always catchy Idles, like punk meets new metal, like a tated shirtless kegar bellied Adonis proclaiming a happy new era of celebrating rage. They’re cool, they’re fun, and the photos are awesome.
The rest of the night was honestly a blur, but if you ever want some good food owned by a guy who was there when the world was young and full of life; if you want first hand accounts of Massive Attack and the Beastie Boys in their prime, I urge you to hit up Diablos, order the hardest of liquor, take a seat and ask the right questions.
For more on the previous years at M for Montreal click here!

Writer, Director, Camera Op, Editor & Professional "Last Man Standing". Is there anything this guy can't do? Yes. A veritable metric f*ck ton of things, so he sticks to what he knows. Join him on some adventures, here, at Best Kept MTL.