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LET’S CONNECT | The Networking Event Returns and Clicks with Emmanuelle

LET’S CONNECT | The Networking Event Returns and Clicks with Emmanuelle


On September 6, Montreal’s social calendar was graced by the 7th edition of Let’s Connect, an event that has become synonymous with authentic networking and community building. Hosted at the chic rooftop lounge Emmanuelle, the evening was a masterclass in how to blend business with pleasure, all while fostering a sense of belonging among attendees.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

The event was orchestrated by the delightful duo of Mariela Katz and Raquel Tulk, who, after a four-year hiatus, have breathed new life into what had been a beloved fixture in Montreal’s networking scene. Their vision for Let’s Connect transcends the transactional nature of typical networking events. Instead, they aimed—and succeeded—in creating an atmosphere where genuine relationships could flourish.

Mariela Katz and Raquel Tulk | Photo Sabrina Asseraf

From the moment you stepped into Emmanuelle, it was clear that this was not your run-of-the-mill mixer. The lounge was transformed into a sanctuary of connection, with live music filling the air and one complimentary wine glass from Maison Ladore serving as a refreshing social lubricant.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

The ambiance was electric, yet intimate, making it easy for attendees to strike up conversations with familiars faces or beautiful strangers.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

One of the most anticipated aspects of the evening was the iconic goody bag. This year, the team truly outdid themselves. Attendees left the event clutching bags filled with premium products from event sponsors, each valued at over $150. The goody bag wasn’t just a parting gift; it was a statement on the quality and exclusivity that Let’s Connect represents.

Photo Cameron Fraser | RR Marketing Agency

For those who opted for the VIP Admission ticket, the experience was nothing short of luxurious. The VIP goody bag, valued at an astounding $600, was a treasure trove of high-end skincare products and innovative accessories, and gift certificates. It was the epitome of indulgence, making it a perfect gift for oneself or a loved one.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

But what truly set Let’s Connect apart was its commitment to diversity and inclusivity. The event drew a varied crowd, from seasoned professionals looking to expand their networks to socialites keen on meeting like-minded individuals. The room buzzed with conversation and laughter, and it was evident that connections were being made on both a personal and professional level.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

In a city like Montreal, known for its vibrant culture and community spirit, Let’s Connect has found the perfect spot for a social butterfly. The event not only lived up to its reputation but also raised the bar for what a networking event could and should be. It was an evening that celebrated the diversity of its attendees, encouraged meaningful connections, and left an indelible mark on everyone who was fortunate enough to be part of it.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

As the night drew to a close, it was clear that Let’s Connect had achieved its mission. It had created a space where everyone felt valued, where community was built, and where lasting memories were made. And as attendees descended from Emmanuelle’s rooftop, goody bags in hand and smiles on their faces, there was a collective feeling that this was more than just another event on the social calendar. It was a celebration of what makes Montreal truly special: its people.

Photo Sabrina Asseraf

Let’s Connect Links

Instagram: @letsconnectevent
Facebook: @letsconnectmontreal


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