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Evolution | Painter RIO Pop-Up Gallery in Dorem Leanor House

Evolution | Painter RIO Pop-Up Gallery in Dorem Leanor House

Dorem Leanor

Dorem Leanor: “When art meets architecture and design combine, results are truly unique. Art is elevated, and the space comes alive.” This truth is what inspired Evolution, the first home staging project bringing together internationally renowned painter Sébastien Riopel (RIO) and high-end real estate promoters Michael Courrier and Luc Latreille.

Evolution | Painter RIO Pop-Up Gallery in Dorem Leanor House 9PIN IT

On September 13, we were invited to a pop-up gallery powered by RIO and taking place in an Outremont heritage home, built in 1945 and completely renovated by the luxury house flipping firm Dorem Leanor during the summer of 2019.

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The evening – themed “Evolution” – let us discover intricate canvases by RIO that were custom-made for the home in order for them to be in total symbiosis with their environment.

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The modern and versatile artist actually used dust collected during renovations of the house to mix it with his mediums! This special touch created a unique sense of belonging.

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While sipping champagne and tasting bites prepared and served by Les Enfants Terribles brasserie, we also had the opportunity to take a slow tour of the property.

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Inhabited by invigorating natural light, Evolution is a sumptuous and vast estate completely renovated with high quality materials.

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It is the perfect marriage between the practical side of modern design and the warm atmosphere of a heritage home.

Evolution | Painter RIO Pop-Up Gallery in Dorem Leanor House 12PIN IT

Perfectly located at 387 Côte Sainte-Catherine Road, between Bernard and Laurier streets, we were amazed at the tranquility of this charming detached cottage, which can be both the most pleasant haven of peace and the highlight of any social evening, such as the one we were fortunate to experience.

Dorem Leanor
Sébastien Riopel (RIO) and Michael Courrier (Dorem Leanor)

Here is what you need to know about RIO and Dorem Leanor’s Evolution:

Instagram: @rio_artistepeintre
Facebook: @rioartiste

Location: 387 Côte-Sainte Catherine Road, Outremont, QC H2V 2B5
Virtual Visit: Matterport

Photo credit: Alex Parent

NEXT: Museum Ball 2019 | MMFA Gala and After-Ball Returns in Harmonies

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