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C2 MTL | Montreal’s Corporate Woodstock

C2 MTL | Montreal’s Corporate Woodstock

C2 MTL | Montreal’s Corporate Woodstock 1

C2 MTL: Montreal’s Corporate Woodstock – Where Business Meets Bohemia

C2 Montreal will use Voxco MultiMode to measure 2016 event success - Voxco

Starting today, the worlds preeminent creative and corporate leaders are descending on Montreal to attend what I can best describe as Montreal’s corporate Woodstock; C2 MTL.

C2 MTL, the brainchild of ad agency Sid Lee and performing dreams cape creator Cirque de Soleil, turns 5 this year. For the uninitiated, C2 stands for Commerce and Creativity and serves as the guiding vision for the 3 day immersive conference attended by 5,000 top executives and creative souls from around the world.

The Woodstock of the 60’s featured an epic lineup of the world’s greatest musicians who came together for 3 days of unity while the Vietnam War raged. C2 MTL has brought together an ambitious lineup of thought leaders across from multiple fields for 3 days in a creatively immersive environment while the world struggles to finds answers to the seemingly never ending laundry list of global issues we must solve.

While Woodstock didn’t end the war, perhaps C2’s immersive brainstorming environments may prove to be more effective. A multitude of installation activities, such as a glowing smoke filled igloo where you brainstorm on global warming with the silhouetted stranger in front. It is so designed to promote the free flow of ideas with today’s top thinkers, with the hope of it being the genesis point of tomorrow’s global solutions.

WHAT TO EXPECT AT C2 MONTREAL 2016 EDITION? — Jeff Frenette Food & Travel Photographer

Like Woodstock, there is not a person alive who would not walk out of the event richer for having being immersed in an environment surrounded by the creative illuminati of the world. Unlike Woodstock, the price tag is truly a sign of our times. At $3,850 for a 3 day pass, C2MTL stands as one the most expensive conferences you will encounter. It is no small testament to the quality of the event and the city that hosts it that tickets have been sold out for some time now.

For those looking to experiencing a slice of the event, you are in luck. The closing party, Illumination Night, is open to the public and features Valaire & friends with very special guest Oliver Jones, DJ Champion – DJ set & KOKA – DJ set (Karim Ouellet & King Abid). Tickets to the closing party can be purchased for $60 here. The 3-day event and closing party are taking place at Arsenal.

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