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C2 Montreal 2018 | Snoop Dogg stoked about Canada’s cannabis industry

C2 Montreal 2018 | Snoop Dogg stoked about Canada’s cannabis industry

C2 Montreal 2018 | Snoop Dogg stoked about Canada’s cannabis industry 3

C2 Montreal 2018: Snoop Dogg Buzzed Over Canada’s Booming Cannabis Scene

For the seventh time, the most curious of minds meet with the most enlightened of thinkers and both part ways at C2 richer for the experience. For the past three days we have been covering C2 from three primary related concepts; the world we know, the society you are connected to and the ideas shaping the world to come. All events or experiences at C2 will provide you insight into one or all those central ideas. No one event more succinctly encompasses these core ideas than the star speaker of day 3, Snoop Dogg.

C2 Montreal 2018 | Snoop Dogg stoked about Canada’s cannabis industry 4

There are moments where you gain a deeper understanding of the world you know.

Suroosh Alvi, founding member of Vice News and apparent weed lightweight, confessed on stage that Snoop merely blowing smoke in his face in the limo ride over was enough to turn the guerilla-news reporter into a interviewing chimp. The strength of the weed Snoop smokes is apparently unparalleled in botany. Zoning out to the cartoon characters on Snoops sneakers, Suroosh got two confessions from The Dogg that will automatically put a smile on your face. Snoop smoked his first blunt with Tupac at a wrap party for Poetic Justice. The only person to ever smoke Snoop under the table is 85 year old legend Willie Nelson.

There are moments where you experience creative interconnection of your society.

If Snoop could, he would apply to make Canada his home tomorrow. There is a pride I think we all feel in hearing that a man of infinite resources and opportunity, whose place in the annals of rap history is well secured, would choose Canada as a home if dual citizenship was an option. Not so he can freely smoke weed in a few months, he could move to Jamaica if that was his main criteria. Canada burnt its way into Snoop’s heart by simply being us; pragmatic, open minded people who embrace change for its merits and look to future with hope.


Le rappeur et entrepreneur Snoop Dogg

There are moments that stretch your view of the world to come.

Ted Chung, entrepreneur extraordinaire, media disruptor, and Snoop’s co-founder in Merry Jane, was onstage with Snoop sober as a nerd during a math exam. While we all agree the recreational aspects of legal cannabis will be adding a little extra to weekends as of July, Ted preferred to focus in on the enormous potential of medical cannabis. From arthritis to cancer, insomnia to opioid addiction, Ted believe that “after social media, cannabis is the one of the only true revolutions”.

This marks the first year that C2 parts ways from its founding parents at Sid Lee and becomes its own event organisations. Like a child growing up, it is moving out of its parent’s home at Sid Lee and has decided to start traveling the world. Its first stop will be Melbourne Australia, followed by a stint in Asia. It will return next year a little wiser from having experienced the world, and Best Kept MTL will continue to bring you all the insights it has to offer.

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