B.LOVD The Cookies With A Sweet Surprise Inside!

B.LOVD The Cookies With A Sweet Surprise Inside!
During the end of the Pandemic, we were gifted these sweet surprises, so I thougt I would revive the blog since it was a similar end-of-winter time….
This week, we received some healthy and yummy cookies, by local company B.LOVD. Wanna hear a secret? We LOVD them so much, that instead of gifting them as mandated, we ate them all but 1! The awesome owner Rachelle Claveau sent us more, how sweet is she? O.k so let’s get to the good stuff…

B.LOVD is part snack-dessert-maker, part social enterprise that uses the power of positive words and cookies, to spark a conversation about self-love and generate funds for various organizations who are contributing to raising self-esteem in the community. Now how cool is that? When was the last time your sweet tooth, made a social impact?

B.lovd exists to say: YES. You deserve all the love and self-worth in the world. Just because you exist, you have value. You matter. You’re important, you’re unique. Think of the sweet secret fortunes inside as positive affirmations. In case you didn’t LOVE yourself enough recently, B.LOVD is the ultimate cookie that LOVES YOU BACK!

What gave you the idea to create these B.LOVD cookies?
Honestly I was thinking of a way to spread some love into the world. Create waves of kindness… and make people aware that they need to love themselves before anything.
What makes these cookies delicious but also healthy?
I use maple syrup instead of white sugar. They are not overly sweet, made with fresh local butter and organic ingredients like chocolate, raspberries, lemon, etc.,
So far what are peoples favorite flavor?
People go with classics : chocolate chip (Kaki) and triple choco and chia (Lola).
Do you do custom messages?
Not yet… We use a special paper and ink to make it food safe because it’s inside the cookies, and we have to order in super large batches. That’s why we have over 300 options pre-made messages for all kinds of occasions.
Who do these cookies make the best gifts for?
B.LOVD Cookies are for friends, family, neighbors, children, teachers, coaches, people who work hard, people who are going through a rough patch, people you miss, colleagues and lately large companies have become interested in our cookies, ordering large quantities for their employees. They’re for anybody that deserves a little love…..